Belize Cybercrime Act 2020

Belize has passed the Cybercrime Act 2020 which is now binding law in that country.

The Government of Belize through the Ministry of National Security received support through the GLACY + where I had the opportunity to provide guidance, support and feedback to the members of the ‘National Cybersecurity Task Force in February this year. Congratulations to all the members involved in this fascinating process. The law is in line with the substantial and procedural provisions including the international cooperation measures of the Budapest Convention.

The law also criminalizes other relevant conducts for the cyberspace context. A small step in the right direction. Next steps: Capacity building and requesting accession to the Budapest Convention.

#BudapestConvention, #cybercrime, #cyberattacks,  #capacitybuilding, #Childabuse, #Cyberattacks, #Eevidence, #identityTheft, #justice, #LanzaroteConvention, #phishing