Artículo publicado en el nuevo libro de Tirant lo Blanch “Hacia un Nuevo Derecho Europeo de Protección de Datos”

Tirant lo blanch has published a new book titled: “Towards a New European Data Protection Regime” (Hacia un Nuevo Derecho Europeo de Protección de Datos) (981 pages) [ISBN13: 9788490863909]. This new book consists of a collective compilation of articles from data protection experts from different countries offering views and perspectives surrounding the European Commission’s Data Protection Regulation Proposal of January 2012.

My article in English titled “The European Data Protection Adequacy Decision and its Effects on Third Countries. A Failed and Inadequate Standard for Latin America” is part of this collective effort coordinated by Artemi Rallo Lombarte and Rosario Garcia Mahamut. This article analyzes in-depth why the EU adequacy decision procedure on data protection contained in both, the EU Data Protection Directive and the Data Protection Regulation Proposal of the European Commission has failed to gain momentum and come up to regulatory expectations in countries of Latin America. It makes a comparative analysis of the regulation of transborder data flows contained in international and regional instruments and under the national data protection laws of Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Costa Rica. The article is available for download in the following hyperlink: PublicacionFinalTirant